With all aspects of the brand completed, my final task was to pull together everything I had done into a Brand Guideline document. Once I had settled on a structure, the biggest problem was keeping the text as focused as possible. It’s been easy on my blog for this project as I’ve been able to explain my reasoning for certain choices as much as I like, but now in the document I have to stay focussed on only explaining what is necessary, as the document is to act as a more technical guide to the brand rather than explaining every single choice. Overall I thought I did this well and was able to keep my text focused. I am pleased with my finished guideline document, which has given me an extra layer of confidence in my brand. Getting to see everything I have done over the last 12 weeks in consistent presentation has been really satisfying and think it’s a great representation of my brand.
<aside> 📢 The embedded Notion pdf has been playing up occasionally by not loading the next slide until you scroll up and back down. I’ve included the pdf file below but that is also occassionally playing up in the browser then saturating the colours when downloaded. I’ve moved all slides into a seperate figma file so the prototype will act as a slide show. These errors only occassionally happen so I’ve left all versions just incase.